Teacher Quest How-Tos


How To Assign Quests.

  • Select the quest you wish to assign.
  • You have two options:
    • Assign a quest to a Workspace.
    • Assign a quest to a student.
  • Select your student or Workspace and click 'yes' to assign.

How To View Progress On Assigned Quests:

  • Go to your workspace.
  • Select the “Assignments” tab.
  • The list of quests you have assigned will appear.
  • Select the quest you wish to view. All of your students and their progress on that quest will be displayed.
    • Note: You can use the filters in the drop-down box to view all quest reports, in-progress quest reports, and Completed quest reports.

How To Download Teacher Resources.

  • Select the quest you have assigned.
  • Click on the "Download Teacher Resources" button.
  • The download will be a zip file containing the Lesson Plan and Quest Guide. The answer key is a part of the Quest Guides.

How To Download Quest Report.

  • Select the quest you have assigned.
  • Click on the "Quest Report" button.
  • Download the PDF containing your quest details.

Quick Links: Quests.

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